Why You Should Take the Leap

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been trying to talk yourself into starting that hypnosis training course for a while now. Maybe you’re struggling with committing to the life change, maybe you’re trying to justify spending the time and money on it, or maybe you’re just nervous about the unknown. We’ve been there and we totally get it. Taking the first step out of a comfort zone can be hard, even after that comfort zone isn’t so comfy anymore. Here are some things that helped us decide to choose careers in hypnosis, and hopefully they’ll resonate with you too.


Flexible schedule:

In our old desk jobs, we were beholden to the schedules our managers set for us, often regardless of requesting specific days off. We had to plan the simplest things around our job – trips to the bank, oil changes, dinners with friends. It forced our whole lives to revolve around a schedule someone else set for us. As hypnotherapists, we’ve been able to set our own schedules, arrange to have time off for traveling, take sick days when we need them (not just when we have a doctor’s note), and set our appointments during the time of day that suits us best. Regaining that kind of control over our time has opened up MANY doors for us, some of them we didn’t know we were missing.



Working for corporate America, it’s considered taboo to talk about money, but when it comes to planning career changes it’s a vital piece of the puzzle. Often, people working in corporate-run jobs feel as though they aren’t being paid enough for what they’re giving. We agree! If you’re going to dedicate as much time and energy to your company as they’re asking for, you should never have to worry about day-to-day expenses or feel undervalued. Breaking out of that corporate cycle and starting our own hypnosis business gave us (and a LOT of others) the freedom to create a work-life-money balance that provides us comfort and stability without working us to the bone.



With this new career path, not only will you gain a deep, thorough knowledge of your job, you’ll learn a broad spectrum of skills that encompass the whole field. That kind of “top to bottom” knowledge allows a level of problem solving that isn’t often part of a corporate job where you’re just one cog in a big machine. With a career as a hypnotherapist, you’ll have all the cogs at your disposal. That kind of big-picture skill set provides a confidence and sense of security and accomplishment most people never get from the corporate world.



Okay, we know this one sounds cheesy. We thought so too, until we experienced firsthand just how true it is. When we worked our corporate jobs we thought we were happy. We thought the permanent state of tiredness and anxiety were normal. Everybody else we worked with felt the same way so clearly that was just how humans felt, right? Wrong! There’s a whole world of joy beyond the corporate world that a lot of people don’t get to experience because we get wrapped up in the day-in, day-out of it all. It’s incredible how much lighter and fuller you feel when you don’t have to pour all of your energy into a job that doesn’t return any of that energy to you at the end of the day.


These are just a few of the changes you’ll see in your life after choosing to create a career that works for you. With our training program, you can start benefitting from those changes after just one week. To learn more, visit our website or give us a call. We love the lives we’ve built with careers in hypnosis, and we’d love to help you do the same.

Ladner Stroud