Intuitive Eating

Our bodies are truly remarkable. Not only does your body regulate your body temperature and keep your heart pumping, but it also does all of this and more without having to direct our thoughts to these things to keep us alive. Our body also tells us when we are hungry. But, do you know when you are hungry? Most of us have lost intuition when we are truly hungry. This may have started when you were just a child and were forced to eat everything on your plate before you could play! Or maybe your body's wisdom has been confused from all the diets you’ve tried in the past. I am here to share with you something: you no longer have to be a member of the empty plates club or need to follow a strict diet. Intuitive eating uses your body's wisdom to decide when and how much food to eat. Here are some intuitive eating tips to get back in tune with your body's natural clock.

1. Dish up half of what you would normally eat! You can only go back for seconds.

2. Eat at the same place in your house. Preferably not in front of the TV! This reduces snacking out of boredom.

3. DON’T EAT IN FRONT OF THE TV OR WHILE LOOKING AT YOUR PHONE! We can become conditioned and it’s a hard habit to break.

4. Eat within 30 minutes of being hungry. Do this by keeping healthy snacks with you, such as peanuts or an apple. If we are hungry and wait too long to eat we become prone to overeating.

Cyndal Wallace