How To: Find a Hypnotherapy Training Program

If you’re here, you’ve probably been interested in hypnotherapy at some point, either as a treatment option or a career path. We all know we should do our research for things like this, but when we have the entirety of the internet at our fingertips that can get really overwhelming really fast. So how do we combat that? More specifically, if you’re looking to start a career in hypnotherapy, how will you know when the training program you’ve found is legitimate or if it’s right for you and your needs? Lucky for you we have the answers to those questions (and a few more) and some tips to help this process go smoothly. Keep reading to learn how to find the best hypnotherapy training program for you!

-Shop around

-There are a LOT of hypnosis courses out there, and not all of them are good. Don’t go with the first one you see. Find a few that fit your criteria and narrow them down from there based on what best suits your schedule, desired career path, and learning style.

-Don’t skimp

-Whatever program you choose is going to help you build the foundation for your career and your life. It’s worth investing into that goal, and a good program will prepare you to reap the benefits of that investment effectively. A lot of them are willing to work with you regarding finances too, so be sure to ask about that if it’s something you’d be interested in.

-Read the reviews

-If the programs you’re looking into have reviews, read them! Don’t just read the ones on their website, either. Go look at Google reviews to make sure you’re not just getting the good ones someone cherry picked for the website. If the program doesn’t have reviews, that’s a red flag that it may not be legit.

-Check the credentials

-Make sure that whoever is teaching you is certified to do so! You can check databases of professional bodies like the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists to verify someone’s registration and certifications. You can also often talk to the head of whatever program you’re looking into and ask about the program’s credentials. Legitimate organizations won’t hesitate to share that information with you.

-Talk to the humans

-If everything else checks out, go to the school or office or give them a call and talk to the people you’ll be learning from! Whoever you choose will be a big part of this step and it’s important to make sure you communicate well with each other and get along.


-After you’ve done your research, choose a program that best suits your needs and start your new journey!

Everyone’s path to hypnotherapy is different, and hopefully these tips will help you decide on one that’s best for you! At Blooming Lotus, we offer our own 5 Path Certified training program and we’d love to help you elevate your life by starting a rewarding and fulfilling career. For more information visit our course information page or give us a call. We can’t wait to meet you!

Ladner Stroud